FINNEAS REMEMBERS: A son connects with his father one last time in this three page, one scene piece. Simple and sweet.

GUN FOR HIRE: Kit the wannabe cowboy discovers he’s been duped by receiving a gun instead of a bounty hunter. (IN PRODUCTION!)

TONY AND HIS PINEAPPLE: Tony finally opens up about a close friend’s unfortunate death, just not to a real person. (Produced! watch it by clicking here!)

William Wire’s problem: In this light comedy, William learns that problems aren’t always bad.

Other Literature Experience

Hell For Leather

Hell For Leather has been a patient side-project I have been working on sporadically since 2022. It is a table-top role playing game (TTRPG) set in the Wild West. I’ve created a custom ruleset, setting, and character creation system, as well as a few different story campaigns. Related, I’ve also built out and played heavily story-based campaigns for the TTRPG Mork-Borg, Dungeons and Dragons, and others.

The Life of Sergio Leone

A website following the life and influence of Sergio Leone had it’s text and research recorded and written by me. It’s editors and owners have not chosen to release it publicly, but a portion of the work can be found here: